Goofy movie last day of school

Goofy is the single father of teenager max goof, although the two have a tense relationship. Disneys animated film, which notably performed better over vhs release. The beloved sequel not only had arguably just as many catchy songs as its 2006 predecessor. May 28, 2016 screencap gallery for a goofy movie 1995 480p dvd, disney misc. On the last day of school before summer vacation, max and his best friends p. Photo of last day of school for fans of a goofy movie 963149. On the morning of the last day of school before the summer break, max wakes up late for school, surrounded by many powerline photos and. Summer is coming, and for those under 18, that can only mean one thing. Goofy finds out about his sons antics sort of, and decides a fishing trip, like his dad took him on. Its the last day of school, and max wants to catch the eye of roxanne. For each deals with the last day of school in one way, shape or form, reminding audiences of the joys and triumphs that can be had from the promise of summer ahead.

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